金海兰 硕士生导师
2021-01-至今 beat365手机中文官方网站,beat365手机中文官方网站,副教授
2019-01至2020-01 日本东京农工大学,农学部,访问学者
2012-09至2015-09 beat365手机中文官方网站,beat365手机中文官方网站,博士后,导师:李坚
2011-06至2020-12 beat365手机中文官方网站,beat365手机中文官方网站,讲师
2010-04至2011-03 日本东京农工大学,农学部,特别研究员
(1) 生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室(齐鲁工业大学)开放基金,KF201812,硅藻土基功能纸张的制备及其机理研究,2019-01至2020-12,10万元,在研,主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31370579,纤维素纤维点击功能化之高效通用平台的构建与评价,2014-01至2016-12,80万元,结题,参加
(3) 黑龙江省自然科学基金委员会,黑龙江省自然基金项目归国留学基金,LC2013C11,基于提高滤纸性能的纸浆纤维改性方法和过程的基础研究,2014-01至2017-12,5万元,结题,参加
(4) 中国博士后科学基金会,中国博士后科学基金项目,2013M541331,纳米纤维素锂电池隔膜的制备和性能研究,5万元,2013-09至2015-09,结题,主持
(5) 教育部国际合作与交流司,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,教外司留[2013]693号,添加松厚助剂实现低定量的非木材原料纸张及对其纸张特性、表面自由能的影响,3万元,2013-01至2015-12,结题,主持"
(1) Jin Hailan *; Kose Ryota; Akada Nobushige; Okayama Takayuki *; Relationship between wettability of pulp fibers and tensile strength of paper during recycling, Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1): 1560-1570.
(2) Jin Hailan; Kose Ryota; Okayama Takayuki*; Addition of reed-derived cellulose nanofibers to change handsheet properties, Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, 2020, 76(5): 144-150.
(3) Li Yi; Jin Hailan*; Liu Wenbo; Su Hang; Lu Yao; Li Jianfen*; Study on regeneration of waste powder activated carbon through pyrolysis and its adsorption capacity of phosphorus, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 778-784.
(4) Jin Hailan*; Cho Junhyung; Okayama Takayuki; Effects of internal addition of bulking promoter on low-density and characteristics of surface free energy of wheat straw pulp handsheet, Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, 2016, 72(11): 231-236.
(5) Jin Hailan*; Cho Junhyung; Okayama Takayuki; Chen Lihui; Li Jian; Effects of ultrasonic cell crushing apparatus on the properties of recycling bamboo pulp handsheets, Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, 2016, 72(2): 44-48.
(6) Jin Hailan*; Cho Junhyung; Okayama Takayuki; Chen Lihui; Li Jian; Effects of carboxymethyl cellulose sodium addition on properties of beaten recycled reed pulps and the handsheets, SEN'I GAKKAISI, 2015, 71(9): 291-296.
(7) Jin Hailan*; Watanabe Kosei; Ohtani Hajime; Li Jian; Okayama Takayuki; Effects of internal addition of bulking agents on properties of recycled handsheet, SEN'I GAKKAISI, 2015, 71(6): 201-206.
(8) Jin Hailan*; Cho Junhyung; Okayama Takayuki; Li Jian; Optimum amount of addition of the polymer flocculant in papermaking wastewater treatment, SEN'I GAKKAISI, 2014, 70(5): 96-99.
(9) Jin Hailan; Okayama Takayuki*; Arai Ryota; Ohtani Hajime; Relationship between wettability and sizing degree of paper containing bulking agent, Journal of Wood and Science, 2011, 57(1): 34-39.
(10) Jin Hailan; Okayama Takayuki*; Ohtani Hajime; Influence of addition of bulking promoter on AKD-sizing performance, Journal of Wood and Science, 2010, 56(2): 127-132.
(11) Jin Hailan; Okayama Takayuki*; Effects of internal addition of bulking promoter on low-density and porous structure of handsheet, SEN'I GAKKAISI, 2009, 65(5): 139-145.
(1) 制浆造纸机械与设备, 化学工业出版社, 主编, 2014.